In 2015, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) launched an African Development Plan designed to build capacity of the internal audit profession across Africa. As the global leader of the internal audit profession, The IIA’s intent is to elevate the profession on the continent to meet or exceed the expectations of the profession’s key stakeholders.
In conjunction with the World Bank, The IIA released The State of the Internal Audit Profession in Africa (Phase I), which assesses the factors that contribute to the current status of the internal audit profession across 11 countries in Africa, including Nigeria. The valuable insights gleaned from extensive in-person interviews and research outlined in the report helped to identify several areas of focus to build capacity of the profession in the region.
The analysis of the situation in Africa found there is a greater need for effective internal audit in the public and private sectors, awareness of the internal audit and its contribution to governance is limited, and training resources are inadequate.
Kindly review the entire report and also share with your stakeholders by using any of the links below to download the report.
Download the report for a comprehensive review of the profession by country.
Humphrey Okorie
CEO, IIA Nigeria