Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), Nigeria

IT Security Vulnerability

In 2018, so many companies had data breaches that compromised the personal information of millions of people around the world. I’d recount the ordeal of Facebook.

Facebook dealt with a slew of major breach and incidents that affected more than 100million users of the popular social network, 29 million was lost, highly sensitive data, including locations, contact details, relationship status, recent searches and devices used to log in were affected. It happened from July2017 – September 2018, the most interesting part was that this vulnerability was not known to Facebook until September 2018 when the spotted a spike in unusual activity. That is to say that this vulnerability ran for a period of 13 months without the knowledge of Facebook, in other words the hackers did have a feel of user data for a long time and need I to sure that Facebook wasn’t even sure when this attack started.

Vulnerability is the weaknesses in a computer system, in a set of procedures, or in anything that leaves information exposed or simply put It is a cyber security term that refers to a flaw in a system that can leave it open for attacks.

IT Security refers to securing digital data through computer network security.

Causes of IT Security Vulnerability.

  • Exposure
  • Missing data encryption
  • OS command injection
  • Download of codes without thorough check
  • Weak passwords
  • Ignorance
  • Using an already infected software

Protecting client’s data is an integral part of business for any auditing firm or any organization.

Firstly, users should be blocked from visiting confirmed unsafe sites, stay on top of bandwidth range with alerts when devices exceed thresholds. Another way is to filter internet activity by day, category and URL to reveal trends, spikes and irregularities. Try to complete with detailed reporting tools to let you analyze browsing activity and demonstrate the effectiveness of web security. Identify risk with IIA, Nigeria to help you find it wherever it may be hiding.

Role of IA (Internal Audit) to helping organizations

  • They should understand and be aware of the data security threats that loom over organizations.
  • They should help identify the vulnerabilities.
  • They should examine if all the required security precautions have been taken.
  • They should constantly network with industry counterparts to keep abreast of emerging threats.
  • They are also to help to see that cyber security regulations are being met

Internal audit is a pivotal ally which must join forces with IT to build a truly robust cyber security strategy that focuses on anticipating and mitigating risks and building organizational resilience. As vast as cyber threats are growing, cyber security has also become a more serious and relevant topic for system owners than ever before. The world is entering an era when attackers are trying to find a way to disrupt industries and critical infrastructure, attacks are heard every single day, you can stay on top of your game by having the best tools for intrusion detection network monitoring but without people, they can’t do much. People make decisions on how to respond to these threats and assess these vulnerabilities to choose which one to make priority for remediation

IIA, Nigeria is available to provide all the training you need for an efficient and effective IT Security

Join IIA Nigeria today to advance your internal audit professional career.

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